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Child Masking Is Harmful, Unnecessary, Cruel, and Should End Immediately Experts Say…

Topics Discussed In Video

Make Your Child The First Priority
Children Are Not Dying From COVID
Asymptomatic Kids Don’t Spread COVID
Masks Do Not Stop Virus Transmission
COVID Is Treatable and Curable
Children Don’t Need To Be Vaccinated
Masks Cause Physical Harm
Masks Impede Social & Emotional Growth
Masks Cause Depression & Trauma
Masks Create Communist Obedience
The State Has Replaced God & Our Intuition
Masks Cause Learning Problems
Say NO To Outdoor Masking!!!
If You Must Mask Make It Breathable
Unmask Your Child! Don’t Comply! Fight Back! 


Child Masking Is Unnecessary & Harmful
Healthy children are not dying from COVID, there are numerous non-vaccine natural and pharmaceutical treatments that prevent injury and death from COVID infection, asymptomatic children do not spread COVID, masks do not stop COVID or other virus transmission, masks cause learning difficulties in school and other settings, and masks cause real world physical and psychological harm to children. The experts in our video – including child psychiatrist Mark McDonald, MD and family physician Jeff Barke, MD of America’s Frontline Doctors – share peer reviewed studies, scientific evidence and clinical experience that masks are useless for virus control and can cause dramatic harm to children. Dr. McDonald says, “We’ve known for over a year that children are essentially unaffected in any real meaningful way by this viral pandemic, and for that reason, there is no need to place any additional protective measures on them such as mandatory or even optional mask wearing.” Watch the video to fully understand why child masking should cease immediately.

End Outdoor Child Masking
In the video we place emphasis on why to end outdoor masking because this is where you, as a parent, have total control over your child and the mask situation. This is where you can take action and have an immediate effect on your child’s well-being as well as make a statement to others that your child will not be subject to fake science and politics and that instead you will put your child first. If you’ve masked your child outside, you now have all the information you need to confidently stop doing this immediately.

Challenge Indoor Mask Mandates
Watch the video. Read our Mask Report. Take notes. And then go to your school board, call your legislators, talk with business owners, and challenge mask mandates everywhere. Get involved. This website and video was created for YOU, the PARENT. Protect your child by standing up for what’s right. Join our censorship-free communities to talk with like-minded parents and subscribe to our email list for ongoing updates.

Share This Website & Video
Now that you understand that child masking is unnecessary and harmful, share this website with your friends and family. We even have a Share Resources page with easy-to-copy text and memes you can use in social media. And, here is our Press Release that can be used in email lists and on websites. Together, we can end this travesty that’s harming the next generation.

Featured Experts

Dr. Mark McDonald, MD
Dr. McDonald trained in both adult and child & adolescent psychiatry at UCLA and achieved double board certification. He now specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry. His opinions on topics such as the need to re-open America’s schools, and the pandemic of fear in the United States today, have been widely published in local and national news, including the Wall Street Journal and The Federalist.

Kris Dukes
Kris Dukes is the Outreach Director for the PERK Group – Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids in Los Angeles, California.

Dr. Jeff Barke, MD
Dr. Jeffrey Barke, board certified in Family Medicine, is a private concierge doctor in Newport Beach, California and is part of America’s Frontline Doctors.

Mari Barke
Mari Barke is President of the Orange County Board of Education, California.

Children Thrive and Are Happy in Mask-Free Florida School Centner Academy

Centner Academy in Miami, FL has taken a stand against the masking of our children! Watch their video to hear first-hand reports from parents whose children suffered by wearing masks and how moving their children to Centner Academy has been life changing! Hear CEO and founder Leila Centner detail how children new to the school opened up and thrived once they no longer had to wear a mask.

Centner Academy is a progressive, independent ‘happiness’ school that combines a deep commitment to emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and happiness with a challenging curriculum featuring language immersion, entrepreneurial thinking, problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. Using a strengths-based approach to learning, all Centner Academy students and teachers have opportunities to do what they love across the curriculum through project- and problem-based learning.

Centner Academy is accepting new students!

Help End Medical Mandates!

Join our health freedom movement!

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Keith Spain
Keith Spain
3 years ago

Thank you for your tireless struggle against the senseless tyranny inflicted on our children. You are true heroes! I will email this to my son’s principal and pastor of our parochial school where sadly there is a mask mandate which I have fought to have removed and was overruled.

RaeJean Tubre
RaeJean Tubre
3 years ago

I don’t want to mask my kids inside either.

3 years ago

I love The video and work you are doing to spread the truth. However, I hesitate to send this to my friends who are masking their children indoors because all of the parent videos are talking about not masking them outside. We shouldn’t be masking them at all and I wish your entire video showed that. Your video is confusing because the doctors sound like you shouldn’t mask children at all and then you have these videos of parents saying I will not mask my child outside. Why are they adding in the word outside? Why is there a survey that also includes outside? Its all the time!!!

Ann S
Ann S
2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Cook

I’m sorry Larry but I don’t agree with you.. the Drs said it right… don’t mask the children! We need to get that message across and not string it out! Just don’t mask the children because it’s not good for them emotionally or medically . If we wake them up about not masking their children then they should be awake … whether inside or outside!

Kittie Aldakkour
Kittie Aldakkour
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

I agree Jane, inside is where children are being force-masked in schools. Not on the playground. No masks period! That is the message. It was weird how the doctors are saying one thing – no masks – but the caveat of “outside” was added in practice.

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing this. Your video describes in great detail many of the reasons I have currently left my role as a teacher. Teaching in an environment that mandates masking of its young students violated my conscience and convictions.

Breath of Life
Breath of Life
2 years ago
Reply to  Allison

That’s why I stayed online.

Laraine Abbey-Katzev RNM MS, CNS
Laraine Abbey-Katzev RNM MS, CNS
3 years ago

Amazing Larry. Congratulations on doing this. I will be sending this right over to Palm Beach County School board members!

3 years ago

Pls reach out to Kristen Meghan Kelly. If you guys can get together and blow up this mask thing, that would be amazing

Kittie Aldakkour
Kittie Aldakkour
3 years ago

Finally! I worked enforcing OSHA regulations for years in food processing and on large industrial construction projects. Masking was highly regulated and low hanging fruit for violations because there were so many restrictions placed on any employer forcing anyone to cover their mouth and nose or restrict their breathing. OSHA has since re-defined masking and the rules.. just like the CDC did with the word “vaccine” to support the narrative. You should address this as well. Why weren’t PPE experts never consulted or used? Also I have seen these “parlor tricks” by medical persons who use a finger monitor to show the oxygen levels. They will place a surgical mask on their face while sitting in a climate-controlled environment. They will claim that their O2 levels do not drop when they put the mask on.. essentially fooling the gullible public. Please dispel these types of false info out there.

Huffer Rebecca
Huffer Rebecca
3 years ago

I took my child to the psychiatrist who has social anxiety. He is 8 and one of the reasons why we’re there is because I can’t get him to wear a mask otherwise he will cry and that’s why he is an exempt format school but also could concentrate at the psychiatry’s office is him wearing a mask or he could not be seen

2 years ago
Reply to  Huffer Rebecca

As a therapist given what we know about polyvagal theory (Stephen Porges), about how emotional regulation comes from co-regulation, attunement in seeing, mirroring faces, attachment, the protest response when we don’t feel connected and how it is hard wired into the body and imprinted on the HPA axis setting emotional regulation/ somatic coping … I’m still baffled by how many mental health professionals and champions for attachment (Sue Johnson), trauma (Bessel Van der Kolk) haven’t, to my knowledge, been leaders in the field on the harms of masks, especially for children.

Danielle clara
Danielle clara
3 years ago


Nathan W.
Nathan W.
3 years ago

I will never mask my children, our church of roughly 1,000 people are actively fighting masking and mandates. Please I urge anyone reading this to find material and fight against this evil.

Charlotte Lambert
Charlotte Lambert
3 years ago

Masking children denies them of the needed visual facial interactions. This is making a social problem with our kids. I see it with my grands. They look at my face….am I smiling for something they did or am I frowning because they did something I didn’t like. Geez people, these kids need that social interaction

Ruth Rondon
Ruth Rondon
2 years ago

I’m looking for support from single moms who are fight child’s father regarding masks and homeschooling. Could also use legal assistance in Florida since child’s father is taking me to court and I’ve been threatened by the school.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ruth Rondon

contact Peggy Hall at She answers people’s calls and has a concierge service to get on calls with her 4/month to answer your specific questions. I’ve known people who’ve said it is worth it, it worked for one friend’s shot exemption with federal gov.
You’re in my prayers. Archangel Michael, on the ray of grace please protect this mom and child and other like parents and children. Thank you. Amen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Many free documents and videos you can search with free letters, forms and legal notices to schools, doctors, employers at

Ann S
Ann S
2 years ago
Reply to  Ruth Rondon

Get a Dr that agrees with you and take that to court the the Dr is with you on this and also get articles on sites of holistic Drs and take with you also!

2 years ago

Wednesday October 13 I was not allowed to stay at my son’s church school class meeting for his Holy Communion for not wearing a mask, not even to walk him to his classroom without a mask. Its so frustrating. Thank you for sharing this video with all this information, i wish they could see this and stop this mask madness. Now i am all worried my son will miss another year. 😞

2 years ago
Reply to  Emma

It’s really a shame that you and other families can’t design a home-schooling pod (take turns figuring out where to hold school on a weekly basis) and teach them yourselves. If there are harder subjects to teach than band together and hire tutors to help you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Truth59

then band together not than

Steve Mitzner
Steve Mitzner
2 years ago

U.S. code Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, [a codified Law] [I.E. not a mandate] is Not superseded by non scientific, irrational, faith based, mask mandates, “for the good of the people”! [Fact!] “What happened” was, we went from a Rule of Law, God inspired nation, to a Rule of Man/ Satan inspired nation! I.E. what our founders had to overthrow! I.E. “Nothing new under the sun” as the Bible tells, some of us! Find out how it all ends in the book of Revelations!

Steve Mitzner
Steve Mitzner
2 years ago

A 9 million case study in China confirms the silly asymptomatic spread of big pharma’s “Gain of Function” Coved 19! We need to kill coved 19 at it’s source! I.E. Big Pharma, I.E. a leading cause of “Wages of Sin” Death! See the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study; or the book Death by Medicine! I.E. Big Pharma’s “medicine” kills more the all the wars the USA has been in! [Fact!] Look it up!!!

Annette Warden
Annette Warden
2 years ago

I agree!!

2 years ago

Great video, I will be sharing with others. My kids school thankfully doesn’t require mask but almost all of them have their mask on. My kids don’t wear mask. My daughter was exposed to 6 positive covid cases since school started with 1 classmate sit next to her and a teacher and she’s fine. All the positive cases were all wear masks. We do our vitamins everyday to prevent covid and so far it’s working for us. I don’t wear mask myself, I’m sure other people think bad of me not having my kids wear mask but I don’t care cuz I know masking them only do more harm than good.

Ann S
Ann S
2 years ago
Reply to  Phi0na

Great mom! I’m 80 and take my supplements and no meds… and it works! No covid and healthy!

Kathleen Grace
Kathleen Grace
2 years ago

There needs to be cc for this video so that hearing impaired parents can understand this.

Inga Mosenkova
Inga Mosenkova
2 years ago

No mask for children

2 years ago

Thank you for all your good work. I just listened to your interview on An informed life radio.

2 years ago

Thank you for this skillfully, compassionately done video and campaign!!! It would be great to have a separate link direct to the video that autoplays and one direct to the fundraising. Can you or can somewhere here put the video on bitchute, etc.with an link? The video is very compelling and I think many more can see it with a direct to video link. People often don’t read or scroll around. I’d do it if it was my skill set. Thank you!

David Adams
David Adams
2 years ago

I have a thirteen year old daughter, and I will not allow her to wear a mask anywhere.
And I have no problem confronting anybody who might pressure her to wear one.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Link to video please?

2 years ago

I think the same goes for adults — if they haven’t been sick for the whole fake virus and they know what to do if they get sick, there is absolutely no reason to force-vaccinate them.

mary fromwiller
mary fromwiller
2 years ago


Wayne Donnay
Wayne Donnay
2 years ago

What is taking place is unprecedented. All checks, balances and standards have been ignored to impose unhealthy mandates. It is criminal in my mind, UnConstitutional, unethical, immoral, not based on real science. Decenters are banned, deleted otherwise ostracized, punished and fired regardless of their expertise and experience and clinical science and studies. Everything is upside down right now. Liars thrive easily by keeping up their relentless onslaught of propaganda through the media and pundits, censorship, bureaucratic professionals and alphabet agencies, while they deny any second opinions. Totalitarianism at the very least. An attack on our health freedom and normally good health practices such as prophylaxis and early in home treatment for sure. Criminal. The media are a major part of the problem. They deny science that doesn’t fit their narrative, even peer reviewed, published medical studies. Freedom isn’t free. We must protect ourselves and more importantly our children and this country. We have to stand up and speak truth to lies at every opportunity. Thanks to all who fight, particularly those who organize and maintain these web support groups and sites. Let’s Go Brandon! We’ve got work to do!

Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen
2 years ago

Unmask everyone! This whole mask thing is cruel and total ensvlavement – for everybody.

2 years ago

My child has an exemption, which I am so thankful is excepted, but her school is going back on a mask mandate upon their return from break. I am so heartbroken for her and her school mates. Makes no sense at all!!

Martha Sparkman
Martha Sparkman
2 years ago

All the common sense in this nation is being squeezed out and sequestered behind masks. Children are dependent on adults for instruction and understanding what ‘normal’ behavior is. I still see small kids wearing masks outside, at church, and even in their own homes. Zombie Nation is not what I want for my grandchildren. They deserve better.

2 years ago

As a myofunctional therapist and breathing educator I see the poor facial and airway growth and development issues that result from mask wearing and resulting mouth breathing tendencies . The best filter for viruses is your nose.

2 years ago

Hi does anyone know which studies the doctor was talking about about how children do not spread the virus? I making a brochure and it’s taking lots of time. I could use a hand! 🙂

Justin Case
2 years ago

Next time you produce a video about masks be more assertive and stop pussy footing around the issue.

  2. Anyone coercing you or your child to wear a mask is breaking the law and can face criminal charges.
  3. There is no scientific evidence to prove a mask can prevent infection or transmission. In fact, the evidence is to the contrary and causes respiratory illness and impairs cognition. (brain damage)

What masks have done is cause division within populations enforcing their use by creating an environment of exclusivity to belong to the group. This is a known psychological trauma tactic of the military. Let’s call it for what it is and stop the madness.
Ironically with a mask we can’t breathe.

Elizabeth Wendt
Elizabeth Wendt
1 year ago

Good afternoon. My son when he was born scored a 10 on the Apgar test. After receiving the MMR vaccine his temperature went up to 106. Afterwards he seemed very colicky. He would do head banging, walk on the cracks, line up shoes, videos, etc. He later was diagnosed with Autism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which I believe go hand in hand with Autism. Later I had put him on a parasite cleanse and detox which was difficult because of not knowing how to swallow, the detox herbs I could mix with Jelly but the parasite herbs were very bitter herbs making it difficult to give him. His symptoms did lessen in severity and he is more high functioning but still has had trouble with transitions and black and white thinking. It’s hard to move from a certain subject until he finds resolution in his head. So one can spend 30 min to an hour on just one subject with him. It is not resolved he gets angry and can lose temper. I never reported his Autism to reporting sites. His disorder and not being able to be independent has been very time consuming.

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